It’s hard to believe we are over half-way through the year and the shortest day is behind us. We hope you all had a wonderful long weekend celebrating Matariki and the start of the Māori New Year with your whānau and friends. It is exciting to see each year more and more events happening in our community to celebrate Matariki and our school holiday events this July were sprinkled with lots of star fun too!
As we welcome in the new year there have been a few new beginnings around here too. Keep reading to meet two new faces – Biddy Poole who is doing her student placement here at South Alive as part of her studies at Te Pukenga (SIT) and Camille MacAulay who is our new Pantry manager.
As we look to the year ahead, we are wanting to hear your voices. For the month of August we are planning to run our annual survey where we gather your thoughts about what is important to you about living or working in South Invercargill, and how we can continue to build pride in this awesome community. We will also have a chance to come together as a community and share these ideas, so keep an eye out on your inbox or our Facebook page for more details coming soon…
As always this newsletter is jam packed with events and opportunities coming up over the next month, we look forward to seeing you soon!
‘Poipoia Te Kākano Kia Puawai – Nurture The Seed, And It Will Blossom’
Wow, hard to believe we are almost in August already! There’s been SO much happening here at South Alive and I just love being part of this Community. Alongside the team we created a school holiday programme that was very well received, we had some amazing collaborations and lots of committed Southland kids out in the cold weather! And as well as those awesome collaborative opportunities, I have plenty more coming up for our Rangatahi:
Rangatahi Events Crew – This is a small group of 5 Rangatahi who will help co-design Events, Projects and Initiatives for our Community. It is a really special way to include their thoughts and ideas in the planning process and then let them feel leadership in bringing it all to life. They will also have some strong connectivity happening and this will be a fantastic way for their peers to come and join in on the activities too.
Satellite Services – This is all about bringing the local services within our city, with their information on what they provide, into our space. Which helps eliminate the barriers of transport for the young people in our area, making it way more accessible – these will be intertwined into the Events and held individually, as ‘Satellite’ days. This is the first specific project that the Rangatahi Events Crew will help design, by introducing ways we can bring the young people to see these support services in the physical.
Rangatahi Podcasting groups – The group at Aurora College have called themselves ‘No ones listening’, which is a very powerful take on how our young people feel they aren’t being heard. This Podcast Group love to laugh and just share banter between themselves, they have designed their own logo and they are available on Spotify for everyone to tune in!
Rangatahi Art/Photography Exhibition – This will be held over Sept/Oct School Holidays and the goal of it is to lean into what ‘South Invercargill’ feels like or looks like, to our young people by having them capture that in a photograph or an art piece. He WakaTuia will then come and curate the exhibition.
CV building/Interview training workshops – A collaboration between South Alive and APM, these have been really well received and will continue to be available for our Community, keep watch on our website and socials for Event dates.
Ngā manaakitanga (best wishes),
Rangatahi Projects Co-Ordinator

The Pantry is excited to welcome Camille MacAulay as our new Manager. Camille, her husband and two children have just moved to Invercargill from Balclutha where Camille owned and operated Le Bocal for the past 2 ½ years. Le Bocal was similar to The Pantry – a community orientated, selling bulk products and running workshops to educate people about how to reduce their environmental footprint in an affordable way.
Camille is orginally from France but has lived in the lower south region for 15 years. She enjoys hiking, fishing and spending time with her young family including cooking as much as she can from scratch. Her favourite meal to make for her children is a simple but delicious red lentil dahl.
Camille is also very interested in food resilience and is looking forward to incorporating that passion into her work at The Pantry. “I’m pleased to be part of the community here, everyone has been very friendly and welcoming”, says Camille.
Make sure you drop in to The Pantry to meet Camille and find out what great, seasonal products we have on offer.
Biddy Poole
Kia Ora,
Ko Biddy taku ingoa
Ko ngai tahu taku iwi
Nō Mataura taku kainga
Hi, my name is Biddy and I am studying health and wellbeing at S.I.T. I have come to join the team at South Alive for placement for the next 12 weeks.
I am pleased to be a part of a team that focuses on the health, wellbeing and connectedness of the local community. I am looking forward to learning as much as I can about community development to be able to awhi and serve my own community. I have a passion for art, gardening, painting and meeting new people, so pop in and say hi as I love hearing about people’s journeys, goals and aspirations.
He mihi nunui ki te whānau o South Alive
Ngā mihi
A massive thankyou to the Southland Girls High School Leo club who kindly donated some money which we used to purchase 14 hygiene packs (each contain Shampoo, Conditioner, Moisturiser, Cleanser and Deodorant) these will be put into our Pay it Forward packs to whānau in need. We appreciate this so much!
South Alive Projects Manager Julz Orr and volunteer Colin Anderson are working with Dr Ian Longley Air Quality Scientist NIWA again this winter on an air quality monitoring project in South Invercargill. The sensors monitor temperature, humidity, particle matter and carbon dioxide in homes.
Air monitoring equipment is being installed in six homes and this year NIWA are trialing the use of air filtration devices to clean the air. South Alive volunteer Glenda Conner is one of the first to have the devices in her South Invercargill home this winter. She says it has been a good opportunity to see what humidity levels and particle matter are doing in her home. She has then been able to ask the NIWA team about what she has noticed on the sensors. This has given her good understanding of the issues she has noted from the sensor data. Now as well as airing her home daily, the air filter is on and it is doing a good job cleaning the air in her home.
Pictures above are of the sensors that measure air quality, and the air filtration device that cleans the household air. The tablet is showing us green smiles for good air quality in each room of this home!
Getting ready for Spring, have you cleaned/sharpened your tools?! Soak in Vinegar overnight and use a Steel Wool if tools are rusty.
Some people are getting their seed trays ready for sowing seeds, as we get closer to Spring, and the days are getting longer, think about what you want to sow/plant. Peas and Beans can still be sown.
Now is the time to plant Fruit Trees!
As you’re thinning out currants and gooseberries, take some cuttings and get them in pots or straight in the ground. Its also time to prune the fruit trees, cut up the prunings and use for kindling when they dry out, don’t leave them in the orchard.
October: Grafting Workshop (TBC) keep an eye out on how to register for this.
Recommended readings:
- ‘Star Garden Guide’, particularly the original version (found in 2nd hand shops)
- “The Edible Backyard’ by Kath Irivine.
Spring Flower Show ~ coming soon! All information about this will be published in our next newsletter, but in the meantime if you can save your egg cartons for our school holiday plans to do some activities to tie in with this, with the children, then please drop them off to The Pod, Monday – Friday between 9am and 2pm. Much appreciated!
We appreciate your donations to our Plant Stands so much, but please if you are dropping Plants into this space – label them so people viewing and purchasing them know what they are. Thank you so much!