South Alive Team

Sustainable Living

Supporting sustainable living and housing initiatives.


South Alive Team


Diverse housing in attractive suburbs that
evokes safety, health and neighbourliness.


We will provide opportunities to learn about sustainable living ideas and encourage residents to invest time and energy into their homes to create a culture of pride and community.

What Have We Done?

Previously known as the ‘Housing Action Team’ our activities have been based on the challenges raised by the community at the inaugural and subsequent public meetings.

Key actions have been:

1. Monitoring untidy empty sections and derelict empty properties in conjunction with Invercargill City Council, as they pose a health and fire risk and can be an eyesore.

2. Working with Fire and Emergency NZ to deliver home safety initiatives.

3. Encouraging pride in the community through celebrating and recognising well presented properties, with initiatives such as garden competitions and annual random recognition awards.

4. Encouraging investment of time and energy to create healthy homes through the holding of public meetings and events.

5. Holding seminars to inform the public about innovate housing ideas.

6. Working with NIWA to deliver a community air watch project monitoring air quality in South Invercargill.

7. Financing our activities through regular fundraising efforts.

Forward Plans

In July 2022 the Housing Team decided to redirect their focus and efforts towards sustainable living initiatives.

This will involve the continuation of existing initiatives including:

  • Random recognition awards for people showing pride in their properties

  • Home safety initiatives in conjunction with NZ Fire & Emergency

  • Fundraising efforts to sustain the group’s activities


Future plans will also include:

  • Workshops on housing and sustainability topics

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Join the action team – attend monthly meetings (typically the first Thursday of the month, 5:30pm at The Pod) to discuss and make plans for sustainability projects and events, advocating for improvements to housing in South Invercargill

  • Casual volunteer – assist with fundraising sausage sizzles, or at Sustainable Living team events