South Alive Team
Fruit & Nut
Establishing and managing fruit and nut trees for community benefit.
South Alive Team
Fruit & Nut
Establishing and managing fruit and nut trees
for community benefit.
To plant fruit trees in public places in South Invercargill that will provide fresh homegrown fruit free for the picking. To teach South Alive residents how to grow and care for fruit trees.
What Have We Done?
Planted 15 feijoa trees at Aurora College for Arbour day and 5 feijoa trees at Fernworth Primary.
Planted more than 80 fruit trees of various species in 8 public spaces in South Invercargill.
Planted 3 fruit trees at New River Primary School.
Organised fruit tree grafting workshops for the community where participants learned how to graft, and were able to take home their tree for $5.
Made or obtained mulch for 99% of our orchards.
Maintaining all the trees and orchard areas.
Underplanting trees with fruiting bushes.
Organised annual winter and summer pruning workshops, weather permitting, including whiteboard (theory) and practical demonstrations.
Forward Plans

Maintenance of existing orchards
Orchard tours
Developing connections with wider community including school group
Volunteer Opportunities

Join the action team
- Casual volunteer – help out at working bees when you can – weeding, mulching, underplantings, fundraising BBQs