After a successful pilot project in 2020, NIWA New Zealand is again partnering with South Alive to bring the Community Air Watch project to Invercargill in winter 2021.
NIWA is looking to connect with community volunteers who might wish to participate in the study for 3 weeks. People who sign up will receive an assessment of air quality in their home, as well as advice around how it could potentially be improved.
To register your interest, please email info@southalive.org.nz or call 03 2186882
Learn more about the project here by clicking the blue button below.
We are half way through the school holidays and still have lots on for kids down here at South Alive and The Pantry. Check out the full programme further down in the newsletter. We kicked things off with Yoga for kids with Marianne and Matty, check out these awesome kids and their caregivers joining in with the teddy bears picnic yoga.
Staff and volunteers were lucky enough to be invited along to the opening of the Aurora College Community Garden. It is incredible the transformation they have achieved in just 6 months, and the passion and pride the kids had in the space was easy to see. We are lucky enough to have some of the students help out in our fruit and nut orchards in South Invercargill, so it was great to go along and celebrate the amazing work they are doing in their own school too.
Good job Aurora College!
On 28 March 2021, South Alive put on a bus trip for our volunteers and beautification team to visit the Winton Community Garden and the Riverton Environment Centre. The group had a fabulous time and it was a great opportunity to learn a few things to bring back to our own Community Gardens and connect with other people who share a love of gardening.
The group were blown away by the level of community support for the Winton Community Garden with various people dropping things off to help the garden grow. In Riverton we were lucky enough to have Nick from the Environment Centre take our group around the Community Forest Garden and the school gardens at Aparima College. The group said the school gardens were incredible, and it was a great chance to learn how they had created ‘no dig’ gardens.
I have been volunteering as a Trustee of South Alive (South Invercargill Urban Rejuvenation Trust) since 2018 and am currently the Deputy Chair. I am also a Trustee of The Pantry (South Alive Limited).
What inspired me to join South Alive?
The fact that it is a community led organisation. I recognised the positive effects it is having in the community and want to provide action, skills and supports to help it achieve the goals and vision.
We have outstanding Actions Groups in South Alive, and I encourage you to support one or more of these groups by volunteering in whatever way you can.
With a background in horticulture, I enjoy sharing skills and knowledge through the annual pruning training-demonstration days with the Fruit and Nut Team. Supporting the Events Team with some of the marvellous activities they organise is also a highlight for me.

Born and bred in South Invercargill, I returned in 2011 after 22 years away living in Wellington, Auckland and London. I joined South Alive as the Manager of Volunteers in December 2014 and wanted to keep involved so joined the board in February 2017 and have since become Secretary / Treasurer. As action team leader for the Events Committee I have helped create and run two now iconic annual events - The South City Street party usually held in October and the Trolley Derby and Children's Day event held in early March.
I love seeing our community come out rain and shine to these and many more of our events and we are always looking for new ideas. I am proud of what South Alive has achieved in the last nine years and enjoy how the meeting spaces at the pod are used by so many groups and activities.
Active South Alive volunteer and regular at The Pantry.
How did you find out about South Alive?
I read about it in the news paper, South Alive were looking for volunteers for their Arts Group. After meeting with other volunteers, I then joined the South Alive Fruit & Nut Group which I have now been a member of for almost 4 years.
What do you enjoy about being part of the South Alive Fruit & Nut Group?
I enjoy the friendliness, flexibility of working bees, social activity, meeting like minded people.
What brings you to The Pantry?
The Pantry is a very relaxed environment which I come to a few times a week, this brings company into my days. I really enjoy the coffee, food and product range The Pantry stock. I find myself engaging with others who I haven't met before.
I like that The Pantry sell whole foods, if they can't get the product I am looking for they will do their best to obtain it. As I wander around the shop there is always new products and the staff are very informative.
Re-use, re-cycle, re-purpose are all familiar words for objects around the house but what if the object is the house or another building?, that requires architectural initiative, drive, commitment,that is the story the South Alive Housing Action Group will bring to its public meeting on May 18th 2021 another in their successful Alternative Housing Options series.
Limited seating so to secure yours, contact Claire - email: info@southalive.org.nz or call 03 218 6882
Watch this space for further information.