The last few weeks of 2020 in the South Alive world has been extra full with
many events and activities such as World Kindness Day, the South City
Street Party, NIWA Air Quality environment research results, Secure Food
Community meetings, History Trail consultation updates, Action Groups
hard at work making a difference, and visits from many people including
Leonie Matoe (Regional Manager for Department of Internal Affairs) and
Libby Frampton (Regional Advisor to the Ministry of Social Development
Regional Commissioner).
While the days of our Board members and wonderful staff Claire and Julz
(and we look forward to the return in January of Courtney back from
parental leave) have all been busy and on the go, I would like to pay
special tribute to our South Alive volunteers who give their time, ideas,
efforts, feedback, and commitment.
We cannot thank you enough because the work that you do, whether on a
big or small scale, is essential to what South Alive is able to achieve for the
pride, wellbeing and benefit of our South Invercargill community.
Volunteers are our real champions and the Board wants to pay tribute to
each and everyone who has contributed over the past year, working to
create a strong team - Together Everyone Achieves More.
And of course it has been such a big year and one which will not be
forgotten in a long while with all the challenges that have emerged from
living in a new environment with Covid19.
We plan to celebrate our volunteers with a Thank You Event in February
and will let you know more about this in the New Year. In the meantime our
very best wishes to you all for a Merry Christmas season and may the New
Year bring you health, hope and happiness.
Kind Regards
Beryl Wilcox
Chairperson - South Alive Trust
South City Street Party - 20 November 2020
Another GREAT South City Street Party 2020, with a great turn out from the community.
We cant give enough thanks to everyone that was involved in the coming together of the night.
* The community
* The volunteers
* James Hargest Hapa Kapa Group
* James Hargest Band (The Terraces)
* The Cook Island Drummers
* South City Choir
* Waikawa Freight (Simon) for the use of the truck for the performers
* The retailers of South City
* The stall holders
* Sports Southland for the kids free play area
* Habitat for Humanity office
The list goes on....................................
We really appreciate everyones effort
Thank you to Southern Exposures for the great photos of another great community event.
Dr Ian Longley, Principal Scientist from NIWA provided feedback at South Alive last week on the Community Air Watch Project. The South Alive community were keen to be part of this project to understand the impact on the health of residents from the air quality. The data collected during the indoor air quality monitor pilot project in South Invercargill homes he reported to be very useful. He informed attendees that it is known from air quality data that the South West corner of Invercargill does exceed the environmental standards 5-20 times a year.
The indoor air quality monitors provided data on the smoke infiltration within the home and whether the source was from outdoor sources e.g. smoke from home heating and/or indoor sources e.g. cooking. Lots of information was generated easily from the 9 homes that took part in the pilot study this year and NIWA will use this as a basis to finalise plans for a larger study in 2021.
Ian Longley thanked South Alive for helping with this Community Air Watch and linking them with the South Invercargill community to enable this research. If you are interested to learn more about the air quality project, please link into this article where Colin Anderson talks to Environment Southland about having an air quality monitor in his home.
We are still collecting bread tags here at South Alive, thanks to Ranui Kindergarten for this big bag full! If you can sort them into colors before they come here that would be extra helpful to us  or if you have some spare time and would like to sort for us please get in touch.
Stuck for Christmas present ideas, try making this extra special treat. These chocolate and beetroot energy balls are perfect for when you need a little pick me up during the day for the holiday season.
- 75g (2¾oz) cooked beetroot
- 75g (2¾oz) rolled oats
- 100g (3½oz) pitted dates
- 2 tbsp nut butter
- 3 tbsp cocoa
- 1 tbsp honey or maple syrup
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- a pinch of salt
- Coating options
- mixed seeds, desiccated coconut and cocoa powder
- Grate the beetroot into a sieve over the sink and leave for a few minutes to drain any excess liquid.
- Using a food processor, whizz the dates, nut butter and honey or syrup into a smooth paste.
- Then add the oats, cocoa or protein powder, essence and salt and blend until smooth and thick. With damp hands, shape into teaspoon-sized balls and roll in your desired coating.
- Place in fridge for 10-15 mins to firm up.
Thanks to Olivia Cooney for sharing this receipe.
Dog Park working bee (Painting shelter)
Fruit & Nut Team - orchard tour
Lots of events starting in February 2021 - watch this space