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South Alive, together with The Pantry, are celebrating World Kindness Day this Wednesday 13 November, 12 - 7pm. 

The research evidence is overwhelming that acts of kindness have remarkable benefits in terms of mental and physical health – for both the giver and the receiver - so we are going to try and spread some of this goodness!

There will be more than 10 free activities, half-price coffees from 12pm and live music from 5pm.

For the full programme, check out  https://www.facebook.com/SouthAlive/photos/gm.2489412207779706/2476782905749400/?type=3&theater

Massive thanks to all of our providers of the various activities, who are providing their time and talents for free!
Aurora College (Free Soup) / Anne Willson (Chair Massage) / Red Cross (CPR) / Anna Schaumkel (Meditation) / Steph Scarlett (Yoga) / Melissa Aitken (Fitness) / Geraldine Pene (Kingswell Gardens - Workshops)

Volunteer Bus Trip

Saturday 30 November,
9.30am - 4.30pm

We are organising a bus trip to Balclutha and Mataura to visit the community garden groups and hear what they have been up to.

There is no cost to South Alive volunteers and lunch is provided. 
To secure a seat on the bus, or for more information, contact courtney@southalive.org.nz
Do you enjoy good books and like to discuss them with other readers?

Would you like to attend a book club where you choose what you read according to a monthly theme?

Come along and join in our monthly book club with Janine.

The next meeting is 
20 November, 6pm - 7pm
@ The Pod, with the theme 'Travel'.

Tea and coffee will be available.
Just bring yourself, your book and a gold coin donation to cover costs.
All welcome.
Save the Date
We are having a Christmas Night Food Market on Friday 20 December.

5.30pm - 8pm
South Alive Community Park,
cnr Grace and Ness Streets.

There will be a great selection of food vendors, music and entertainment, and something special for the kids, so watch this space.
Whats On @ The Pod

Computer Training Workshops 
10am - 11.30am
Wednesday 13 November - Emails
Wednesday 27 November - Facebook
Wednesday 11 December - Microsoft Word

YourCorps Youth Gaming Events
16 & 23 November

Regular Groups
Seniors' Group, Tuesdays @ 1pm
Whakamanahia Nga Wahine, Wednesdays @ 10am
Rag Rug Group, Thursdays @ 10am
Embroidery Group, every second Tuesday @ 10am

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