Childrens Day
On Sunday 3 March we celebrated Children’s Day at Elizabeth Park and wow what a turn out! We were blown away with the turn out from the community so thanks to everyone who came along. This event was a collaborative effort with so many organisations coming together to put on wonderful free activities for our community. Thanks to these organisations and all of our amazing South Alive volunteers for making this event happen!

Neighbours Aotearoa Month
March is
Neighbours Aotearoa Month, and it is all about connecting with the people around you in your neighbourhood and community. We have so many ways for you to do that this month (and every other month too!). Check out what has been happening in March and is still coming up… There are more details on our Facebook events pages too.

South Alive’s Sustainable Living Team is putting on an event this April called Warmer Homes Better Air Quality.  Having an event to share the learning about this topic and the impact Portable Air Cleaners can have in your home is important to the group following on from the study last Winter with NIWA that found polluted air from outside made its way into all 6 homes in the local South Invercargill air quality study. A Portable Air Cleaner reduced particles in the air (smoke and dust) by between 55 and 87 % in the room it was placed in these homes. Teaming up with Awarua Synergy, they will also share information and advice about how to make your home warmer.  The team hope to signpost those who attend to any financial support entitlements they might be able to apply to, to help make their home heathier and their air quality better.  See you on Tuesday 16 April 5.30pm at the Pod!!

Heritage Month
Stories of local Ice Cream Legends, Landmarks and Trams have been shared from the South Invercargill Heritage trail throughout March – South Alive is taking part in Heritage South month.

We welcomed 24 pupils from Te Kura O Whare-Rā to the Pod and made homemade ice cream & shared the story of a local ice cream legend Brian Simon who invented hokey pokey ice cream!! Julz Orr Special Projects Manager from South Alive led a mini walking tour to Russell Square and surrounds.  There will be so much more to explore once the 4.5km walking route is installed.

Ready to learn more? Visit –  southalive.org.nz/project-heritage-trail/



‘poipoia te kakano kia puawai ~ nurture the seed and it will blossom’

Kia ora e te whānau,
The Summer Fest in February was wonderful – we had so many cool entertainers, the Rangatahi Events Crew got to show some strong Leadership Skills and everyone that attended had a lovely time. Thank you again for your involvement! It’s always so nice to see the Community coming together.


The Rangatahi Art Exhibition is in motion now ~ Entries can be dropped into The Pod: 262 Ness Street, or emailed as files: stacey@southalive.org.nz to be printed and framed. So if you are aged between 12 & 24 or know someone who is and is a keen photographer or artist, share this panui with them! Entries to be submitted by April 12th for installation.

Something BIG is coming in May for the young people of Murihiku. This will be a day of learning, getting to know local supports, entertainment, kai and community. Keep May 18th free in your diaries and more information will be released as its available.

Are you a young person that is ready to get their licence? Maybe start looking into Study or Employment opportunities? Wanting to join a Volunteering Crew? Connect with people your age? Please come and see me, or get in touch, lets see what support we can bring to the surface for you! Or even if you have any ideas of future events, projects or something you want to see become available for Rangatahi in the Community. I’m at The Pod Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9am – 2pm or you can send me an email! I’d love to hear from you.

Ma te wā,


March is the month we enter the beautiful Autumn season, and we want to celebrate this harvesting season with you. We’ve got great things lined up such as fermenting workshops, a vibrant festival with crop and scarecrow competitions, new products instore and in our cabinet. 



NEW IN STORE: We now stock the whole range of Hopefield Hemp oil from the Drysdale family in Balfour. 

Hemp Seed Oil is known to help alleviate pain from ailments such as Arthritis, Psoriasis, Eczema and much more. It is also known to help with Cardio-Vascular health. 

New in this week is Parāoa Rēwana from ManuHere. Nanny Doris Tohiatiki’s rēwana harks back to the 1800s, and has been handed down from one generation to the next.  Parāoa Rēwana is a Māori sourdough bread made with a cooked fermented potato starter. Delivered every Thursday morning. Preorder at The Pantry or grab a loaf from Thursday to Saturday. 










Copyright © 2021 The Pantry & South Alive, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 7055, Invercargill 9844

Phone: The Pantry 03 214 5200
Monday-Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm Sat 10.00am – 3.00pm

Phone: South Alive 03 218 6882
Room hire available – Monday-Sunday 7am-10pm
Office hours – 10am-2pm

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